Category: ATMP

EMA warns against using unproven cell-based therapies

EMA’s Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) is advising patients and the general public against using unregulated cell-based therapies which may not be safe or effective.

The CAT’s advice is in response to individuals, companies and hospitals promoting unproven cell-based therapies as cures for a broad range of conditions including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, autism, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and vision loss. These treatments can pose serious risks to patients for little or no benefit.Patients using unproven or unregulated cell-based therapies have reportedly suffered serious, sometimes fatal, side effects including infections, unwanted immune reactions, tumour formation, loss of vision and bleeding in the brain.

Cell-based therapies are treatments using cells from the patient or a donor. The use of blood and cells for transplantation is a well-established medical practice. However, if cells are not used for the same essential function in the recipient as in the donor or if they are being substantially manipulated, they are not considered transplants and their safety and benefits cannot be assumed. For this reason, suchtherapies are regulated in the EU as medicinal products.


Rewizja wytycznych dotyczących produktów leczniczych zawierających genetycznie zmodyfikowane komórki

Wytyczne z 2012 r. koncentrowały się na tradycyjnych metodach modyfikacji genetycznej komórek opartych na wykorzystaniu wektorów niosących zrekombinowane kwasy nukleinowe. W dokumencie zaproponowano zmianę istniejących wytycznych, obejmując najnowsze odkrycia naukowe i doświadczenia zebrane na komórkach CAR-T i związanych z nimi produktach leczniczych. Projekt zweryfikowanych wytycznych będzie dostępny przed I kwartałem 2018 r., Konsultacje społeczne nad zaproponowanym dokumentem będą trwały do 31 października 2017r.

ATMP related targeted stakeholder consultation

Several weeks ago, the summary of the responses to the consultation on the development of Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products was announced. It has been developed on the basis of the comments received during the consultation as well as input from consultation with the European Medicines Agency and competent authorities in the Member States. The Commission services developed draft Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice (“GMP”) specific to ATMPs.
You can read more at European Commission website.

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